Wood Art (20 different items)
Hazen, ND

Condition: New
Seller Type: Commercial
Views: 83
Wood Wall Art

These beautiful pieces have been created with re-purposed wood. Each piece of wood is carefully cut to size, painted or stained, and then glued together. All pieces have a saw tooth hanger. When you zoom in on these pictures, you can see the beauty that is only found in old or salvaged wood. Items priced from $70 to $220.

#20 $75 Green, brown and white with brown painted frame

#49 $120 Neutral Tones optical illusion

#51 $85 Neutral Tones "One of a Kind"

#52 $240 Cedar Post Fame

#53 $70 Red, black and gray with black frame

#54 $90 Frame inside a frame, neutral grays and whites

#55 $150 Mountain Scene Blue Sky

#56 $200 Mountain Scene

#57 $125 White and Dk Blue w/black frame

#58 $125 Blue and Gray

#59 $125 Blue with neutral back and dark stained frame

#60 $125 Optical Illusion - blue, white and light gray with black frame

#61 $125 Neutral tones with dark stained frame

#62 $150 Neutral tones with dark stained frame

#63 $150 Mountain Scene

#64 $150 Mountain Scene

#65 $220 Shades of brown, blues and white with dark Cedar Post Frame

#81 $150 Shades of blues and browns (#82 is matching)

#82 $150 Shades of blues and browns

#83 $150 Mountain Scene blue sky


Types of Home DecorWall Art

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