2 bucks and supplies
Watertown, SD

Watching: 2
Views: 103
So unfortunately I have to move into an apartment and they dont allow rabbits, so I have to find a new home for my two boys (Steve Harvey and Benadryl) Steve is the tri-color holland lop buck and hes a lot more curious and loves to wander around. Steve is technically pedigreed, but I dont have the papers unfortunately) Benadryl is a more timid nervous broken blue mixed breed buck (maybe holland lop x New Zealand) but once picked up loves to sit in your lap and be pet. Steve will be one in July and Benny will be one in June. They are both not neutered.

They come with virtually everything you need

1 Hutch

3 water bottles

2 feed bowls

2 ceramic dishes

1 litter box

1 hay feeder

A bunch of blankets

Tote of feed

What lefts of their hay


Panels for their pen

Toys and treats

If you would like the linoleum then you can have it.

All I ask is that they are cared and loved. I will miss them so much.


Small Pet TypeRabbits

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User profile imageKarlee Lesmann